954-367-9232 (YADA) [email protected]

A Personal Chef Is A Better Deal Than You Thought

by | Jun 13, 2018 | Recipes

personal chef fort lauderdale

MYTH BUSTING: Many people are under the misconception that one must be “rich” to afford a Personal Chef. Nothing could be further from the truth. If you were to keep track of how much money is spent eating out, plus tips, plus gas …..it’s about equivalent to hiring a Personal Chef to cook customized meals for your enjoyment right in your home OR office!

COST EXAMPLE of eating at a restaurant vs hiring a Personal Chef: Here’s just one example of a typical medium priced cost breakdown for one professional: eat out lunch 5 days @ $13 per lunch = $65 per week…now let’s add dinner for one @ $28 per dinner for 5 days = $140. Total lunch and dinner for one work week is $205.
Let’s double that amount for two people @ $410 per week. If you compare that amount as an average against the pricing below (10 MEAL PLAN for two people for $345 which includes groceries), you will see that it’s actually equivalent OR EVEN LESS EXPENSIVE to hire the a Personal Chef! Who knew?
If you are a single professional, the 10 MEAL PLAN works out to well over one weeks worth of food, which can be frozen. And, a single person can certainly take advantage of the lesser meal plans available.
personal chefs and event catering
Miami + Miami Beach + Fort Lauderdale + Palm Beach

[email protected] | 954-367-YADA (9232)