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Brown and Crusty Turkey Pot Pie Recipe

by | Dec 7, 2017 | Recipes

personal chef miami
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pot pie: noun
1. a meat and vegetable pie baked in a deep dish, often with a top crust only.

2. a stew with dumplings.
Have a fridge full of leftovers and you have a dinner party pop up or you want something “simple” and “homey” for a special occasion? How about a Pot Pie. No not those frozen things we have all eaten. Try this more elegant version using Pate a Choux for the top. We made some dropping them from a spoon for a rustic look. Feel free to pipe them for a more uniform appearance.
Brown and Crusty Turkey Pot Pie Served Up Thick and Delicious
Serves 4-6
1 onion diced
2 medium carrots cut into 1 inch/2.5cm rounds
3 ribs celery cut into half moons
4 ounces/115g sliced baby bella mushrooms
1 bell pepper, diced
2 teaspoons/10ml YaDa Kosher sea salt
1 teaspoon/5ml herbs de provence
1 teaspoon/5ml ground white pepper
2 tablespoons/30mls goose fat
3 tablespoons, unsalted margarine or butter
1 bay leaf
10 juniper berries, crushed
1/2 cup/50g all purpose GF flour
1 cup/250ml dry white wine or sherry
1-1 1/2 quarts/1-1 1/2 litres hot stock or water
1/2 large sweet potato cut into bite size pieces
8-10 baked profiteroles (previously baked)
Preheat oven to 350F/176C/ Gas4
In a large sauce pan on medium high heat add the onion, carrot, celery, mushrooms, bell pepper, salt, pepper, herbs de provence, goose fat abutter and bay leaf. Saute until the onion becomes translucent and vegetables begin to soften (about 3 minutes). Add the juniper berries, stir and let cook for 30 seconds. Sift in the flour. Stir and let cook for 1 minutes. Add the sherry stirring to combine. Pour in the hot stock slowly stirring constantly to avoid lumps. Add sweet potatoes Raise the heat and bring to a boil. Lower heat to medium and let simmer for 5 minutes and sauce thickens. Top the mixture with the previously baked profiteroles. Place in a preheated oven for 20-30 minutes.
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